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What is AIS?

AIS (Automatic Identification System) is an autonomous and continuous broadcast system, operating in the VHF maritime mobile band. It is capable of exchanging information such as vessel identification, position, course, speed, etc. between ships and shore through information broadcasts.

The System can provide many benefits, including increased situational awareness, improved navigational safety and automatic reporting in areas of mandatory and voluntary reporting Schemes. 


Necessity of AIS

In accordance with the amended 1971 SOLAS Convention and IMO recommendations, shore stations are required to install AIS Base Stations, to enable it to receive data from

AIS equipped ships.

AIS is intended to enhance the safety of life at sea, the safety and efficiency of navigation and the protection of the marine environment. The AIS shore station improves many aspects of ship-to-shore communications, efficiency in vessel traffic and port management, monitoring of aids to navigation and exchange of safety and security information.


Functions of AIS

AIS enhances safety and efficiency of navigation by helping identify vessels, assisting in target  tracking, simplifying information exchange by eliminating or reducing verbal communications, and it also provides additional information to assist situation awareness and collision avoidance. AIS complements existing aids to navigation, it enables automatic ship reporting and increase navigational safety by providing enhance data regarding meteorological and hydrological conditions, traffic situation including vessel positions, movements, identities and intentions.


System Configuration

The function of the JRC-AIS Base Station is to receive and monitor AIS traffic within the VHF coverage area of each station, it then sends it to a Control Center in which data is processed by the AIS Server. The JRC-AIS Base Stations can be operated remotely by the Control Center through a dedicated line or a wireless link. The remote operation feature of the JRC-AIS Base Station enables minimum maintenance and service cost.

勇 日 企 業 股 份 有 限 公 司
地址:台北市內湖區港墘路221巷41號5樓之一 電話:+886-2-8751-3737 傳真:+886-2-8751-3232 E-Mail:[email protected]